Thursday, 1 July 2010


hiya i am currently just waiting to go to Marcus's last gig. today we went to lovely Gillingham & had Vietnamese for lunch. it was soo good & you get loads of food for under £5.00. we shared pork & duck, & seafood with satay sauce. yum yum. we had a little look in charity shops, but there was nothing that caught my eye. i did see a tiny cute red bag last week for £3.00, but unfortunately it had gone. boo :( i did console myself by buying some high shoes from New Look. i never shop there apart from in the shoe department. i saw these shoes a while ago & loved them. they are proper tacky, but i ♥ tacky shoes! they were only £10 as well, so i had to buy them really. as for my tattoo. i have decided not to get it yet. it's silly to get it now as i do not have much money so i shall wait until i have some spare cash.

i am going home on Monday, which i am looking forward to. Marcus isn't going to come with me cause it will be nice for me to just see my parents on my own, & have a bit of mummy & daughter time. plus seeing as though me & him are living together for a couple of months, the break will be good. i think my mum is really looking forward to it which is nice. she text me a bit ago saying we'll go to the pub quiz, which she goes to with her friends, & if we win i can keep the money. yay! also she is going to get on with my hair. it really is looking a different colour to the extensions & my roots are more visible now. i'm not sure what i'm going to have done, but i think possibly lighter? i think i might try blonde for a while, & perhaps get some more extensions. i've seen a few images of blonde hair which i like..i really love the top image. it's kinda like a grey colour. i don't want my hair like that, but i love the look with the pink bow. very cute.


1 comment:

  1. is that top image that milkxo tumblr girl. sometimes she looks amazing if it is!

    also, the other day i saw that sj whitely little sex tape thing! i was just laughing at all the times she came to hull and me, you, georgie and ellie where like shes so pretty, ohhh how the mighty have fallen haha! i did love her messy extensions though

    hope the gig was fun and your new house is exciting! x
