Friday, 16 July 2010

oh my, the Resident Evil 5 game is pretty scary Marcus bought it today & i started playing it with him but i kept dying & getting scared. didn't think a computer game could do that to me! i'm rather scared about tomorrow too. a group of us are going to a place called Pluckley in Kent. it's supposed to be one of the most haunted places in Britain. i'm a bit skeptical about that fact, but i'm still kinda scared about the whole thing. i'm at work tomorrow til 4, & we are all meeting in Asda car park about 5ish. i have work the next day at 10.30, but i'll just have to get up around 9 to drive to work. i'm sure it will be loads of fun, but i was reading things like there has been sightings of a teacher hanging from a tree, a gypsy woman & underneath the church there can be noises of knocking heard. also there is a part called the screaming woods! argh! i'm sure with all the people that go, nothing will happen, but i'm a baby & get scared easily! should all be fun though!

i didn't take many pictures. below is a Rough Trade photo from the store on Brick Lane. me & Marcus went on Tuesday after we had been to the London hospital for his meeting thing. i've wanted one of these babies for ageees, but i don't feel it turned out that brill. as you can see i wasn't ready in the first picture, then they just went really quickly & took me by surprise. hence the rubbish posing lol. especially the photo where i am kissing him, look at my neck! it looks like a crazy giraffe neck haha. oh well, at least i've got one. Brick Lane was pretty cool, but i find the vintage stores so overpriced. i did however get a cute floppy top from a newly opened one just off Brick Lane. it was only £12.50. i shall post pictures up soon.


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