Tuesday, 20 July 2010


me & Marcus went to Whitstable with his parents yesterday. it was so so lovely. the weather was absolutely amazing, so we just sat on the decking of his beach hut & had good scampi & chips, & also some yummy strawberries. we paddled in the sea for a bit, but Marcus is a chicken & wouldn't go any further. there was a nice couple in the next hut. i've never met them before, but they had two adorable sons & a cute little dog. the woman is an artist & when we got talking she mentioned some of her best friends are starting a magazine called Arthur & Albert. it's going to be free, & she told me to look on the website, & if i like it, she could put me in touch with them. that would be really awesome, so i will take her up on it. i wore my bright pink lipstick yesterday & got a few nice comments, which is really sweet. i went for a kinda 80s beach look. i like changing my lipstick sometimes to the bright pink, but i prefer to wear not much eye make-up when i have a strong colour on the lips. i do ♥ my light dolly pink though.

i have started to get on with a bit of my uni work. i am so putting off the dissertation stuff, but i know i shouldn't. i drew lots of little things in my sketchbook. i still don't know whether i am doing it correct, but they did just tell us to draw anything and everything which inspires us, sooo... my book is so scrappy, but i love it. a lot of the pages are falling out, so i will have to do something with that, cause i don't want to lose work obv! i keep sketching stuff but i'm not happy with it. i get so frustrated. Marcus has gone to band practice, & his room was driving me nuts, so i tidied a bit. i really cannot believe how many clothes that boy has. it is insane.

a good picture showing his piles of clothes in his room, & this is only a little bit! it makes me feel better when i tidy. i find it quite therapeutic sometimes ha. bet my mum wouldn't believe me!

camping on Saturday was awesome! lots of puking, ketchup, lolz, drinking & general fun times! we started off @ Asda, got our food & drink, then went to Pluckley. it didn't seem that scary at all. after we had all settled down & got our tents up, the police arrived. they were very pleasant, & just basically said we couldn't camp there, which is fair enough. apparently, as usual, previous people had ruined it for everyone by graffiti-ing and just being nobs. we then didn't know what to do & some people were on about going deeper into the woods & hiding our cars in the town then walking back. if that was going to happen i would have gone home, as i had work in the morning, + we would have been on edge all night incase the police came back. anyway, one girl suggested going to a lake where her dad works. this was in Sittingbourne, which was another 40+ minutes drive away, but we decided to go for it as we had our camping/party heads on. it turned out to be really good. we couldn't have a fire, but i think that worked out well, cause i would have smelt gross in the morning for work. we all got settled again, & then just got completely smashed. i managed to drink some Jagermeister, and 1 & a bit bottles of rose wine, after i had said & promised to myself to not drink much due to work. i never listen. i was wasted. it was awesome though, that which i can remember, & we just all had lots of fun. i think we are going to do it again before the summer is over. i
just hanging out with good people & having lots of fun. i don't have any pictures as it got dark by the time we got to the lake & stupid iPhone's don't have any light for the camera. silly.

right, i am going to go & get on with some more work.


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